See/Read Web-page link: CARRP
USCIS’ Un-Constitutional, illegal, immoral previously secret Extreme Vetting program, also known as “Muslims Need Not Apply” – that targets otherwise eligible aspiring Americans with long-term delays, eventual denials, then mandates deportation.
September 11, 2019
After 18 years, will this decorated, disabled Veteran finally be granted citizenship?
The persecution of Muhammad Zahid Chaudhry (“Zahid”) began 18 years ago, after 9-11, when he was designated NS (National Security [threat]) by the U.S. government. The rest is history.
Zahid has a naturalization interview with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) based on his Earned and Qualified Military Service in the U.S. Army. Citizenship based on military service has always been expedited. It can be granted right after graduation from Basic Training. But in Zahid’s case, he has had several “citizenship” interviews since 2002 which instead turned into lengthy interrogations.
Thursday, October 3 @ 9 am
Car/Bus-pool from Martin Way Park & Ride, 4701 East Martin Way-
meet at back of parking lot
Last vehicle leaves lot at 7:20 sharp.
Destination: 12500 Tukwila International Blvd.
Tukwila (Seattle) WA
Could this interview be the affirmative outcome he’s been hoping for after 18 years of having been traumatized by threats of deportation? Or is it yet another diversion intended to distract him from ongoing government attempts to deport him?
Zahid has earned and qualified by law for citizenship in multiple ways, not the least of which are his Qualified Military Service; his marriage of nearly 20 years to a U.S. citizen; and U.S. family ties on his father’s side for forty years – since the 1980’s. But, under a national security program known as the “Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program” (CARRP), the government excludes many applicants from Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian communities by delaying and denying their application without legal authority. Learn more:
After 9-11-2001, the US government began to engage in constant harassment of Zahid, who at the time was — and still is — a legal US resident, and his wife, Ann. At that time, they were living in the conservative stronghold of Yakima, WA, and must have seemed an odd couple: a man born in Pakistan and his American wife, who had been a widow raising two children by herself for nearly 13 years. A Yakima police lieutenant targeted Zahid, seizing the opportunity to boost his career in the increasingly Islamophobic environment after 9-11.
Zahid comes from a long family tradition of community service and was already volunteering with the Yakima Fire Department, Red Cross, etc. It was in this spirit that he applied to be a volunteer with the Yakima Police Department. Police lieutenant Gary Belles became suspicious of his motivation and accused his of having lied on the application. Years later, expert forensic evidence would indicate that the application may have been tampered with while in the custody of Gary Belles.
What followed are dozens of mandated appearances and numerous repeat applications for naturalization, some of which mysteriously got lost – although the checks that accompanied them were cashed. At his last immigration hearing in March 2018, it was affirmed once again that Zahid was and has been a U.S. Legal Permanent Resident. True to form, ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) is appealing the immigration judge’s decision – going against USCIS’ intent to resolve and finish processing naturalization for Zahid. Innocent lives are collateral damage in these turf wars.
Gary Belles was instrumental in adding Zahid’s name to the secret Terrorist Watchlist, from which there is no meaningful way to get removed. Research by “revealed a staggeringly due-process-free system in which the government was routinely affixing the word “terrorist” to an individual’s name and disseminating that information to a sprawling network of foreign and private partners, with virtually no evidence required to support the claim.” A federal judge has recently ruled this practice unconstitutional:
Prior to 9-11, out of a desire to contribute by helping communities with disaster relief and recovery, Zahid joined the Washington Army National Guard. After 9-11, though, his unit was activated for Operation Iraqi Freedom and he served in the U.S. Army for four years. His life was forever changed by his serious injuries while serving in the Army. He has been in a wheelchair ever since and suffers from prostrating and debilitating migraines, blurred vision, and intolerable physical pain.
For a detailed account of this situation, see/click other tabs here on this website and on
# # # #
See more information on other tabs of this website.
Keep Zahid Home Rally & Vigil in Seattle:
March 12, 2018 Noon to 12:40 pm
1000 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA in front of Immigration ‘court’ building.
Hearing promptly at 1:00 pm, 25th floor.
Corner of 2nd and Spring Aves. (Not Federal Courthouse)
Olympia/Lacey area Car/Van-pool from Martin Way Park & Ride: 4701 Martin Way, Lacey, near exit 109 / I-5 on-ramp; load up vehicles and leave Park & Ride about 10 am.
Previous “final” hearings ended up not being final: this one is expected to REALLY be the last one. The judge indicated (in November) he was ready to make his decision contingent on outcome of background checks. The government attorney had said (November 7th 2017) that he didn’t have the background check results yet; he expected them “imminently” – just waiting for the phone call. However, when pressed by the judge, said he expected the results for sure by that Friday (11/10/2017). The judge said he wasn’t going to make Chaudhrys, community at large and so many supporters come back a second time in the same week!
The background checks were not completed until about the second week of January!
We look forward to your presence for this final [immigration] hearing !
1000 2nd Ave, Suite 2500, Seattle, WA; hearing at 1 pm.
To read more on this many, many years long immigration case, please check all the different tabs on this website.
Bring as little as possible so that everyone can quickly get through security screening. Bring photo I.D., just in case it is required this year.
Not So “FINAL” Final final Hearing
Another monkey-wrench from ICE attorney delays “final” FINAL decision again and clearly shows waste, fraud and abuse of “We the People’s” taxpayer dollars.
Are ICE attorneys creating work for themselves? Are ICE attorneys worried about being out of work?
July 17th, 2017 was supposed to be final hearing, but ICE attorneys (Yes, attorneys plural, since ICE attorneys are over generously funded and getting paid by “We the People’s money”, ICE always in this case had more than one attorney) threw monkey wrenches, lengthened and stretched out the frivolous & irrelevant questioning so that others would not have any time left that day to provide supporting testimony.
Then October 16th was final hearing, ICE attorneys threw other monkey wrenches to stop the judge from giving a decision.
Then it was supposed to be the final, FINAL hearing at 8:30 am (meaning people had to get up at 4am to make the very long drive through very bad traffic and parking problems), November 7th (2017) and the Judge would make his decision known. But wait, even though ICE attorney (Mr. Bakkon) stated on the record that Mr Chaudhry has ‘perfected’ his forms & claims several weeks ago, and Bakkon admitted that he can see it in the system, he was still waiting for a report. Gallery audience & spectators were shocked. Judge saw the faces of spectators and rushed out of the room saying he will get everyone out and clear the court room. Then Security guards came into the room & told everyone to get out of the court.
After the spectators were all removed from the courtroom, the Judge came back in & Re-started the proceedings to hear ICE attorneys’ excuses. Judge told the ICE Attorneys (senior Counsel Mr Bakkon & Mr. Brent Campbell) that he might just give his decision contingent upon receiving the report. Judge told & reminded the ICE attorneys AGAIN that Mr Chaudhry is in wheelchair and it is not easy for Chaudhrys to make arrangements & make this long journey again & again, in addition to that Mr Chaudhry has an entourage of people with him who come from near & far & who have to take time-off from the busy lives and work. Judge also said, If you (ICE attorneys) were not ready, your could have informed all the parties several days ago and so many people would not have to make this trip.
Common courtesy might have urged Bakkon to contact all the parties (judge, Chaudhry & their attorney) even last week (since the judge gave ICE attorneys nearly a month when they asked for a week to finish their work back in October hearing) to say that they would not be ready for the hearing on the 7th of November. Judge had to specifically and repeatedly ask ICE attorneys by what date would they have completed their side of work. Bakkon could not indicate to Judge when Bakkon expected completion, perhaps by Friday this week? Judge said he is not getting Chaudhrys here again this week or the next week so that you (ICE attorneys) can repeat your excuses again !
Then ICE attorneys said maybe in some longer frame of times to be sure? Or hopefully in a month?
Judge really had enough of ICE attorneys unacceptable behavior and delays by this time and started looking for available dates on his calendar for this matter’s final decision.
Result: Delays once again “CAUSED by” ICE attorneys.
Now “final” hearing is moved to 1 pm, March 12, 2018 (just to make sure ICE attorneys have enough time) !
Even though the court room was cleared of all supporters, there’s no fooling the taxpayers. This is WASTE, Fraud and ABUSE of generously provided “We the People’s” taxpayers dollars by ICE attorneys.
Yet another text book example of “DDD – Delay, Deny & Deport” behavior from secret CARRP policy manual !
(October, 2017)
Thanks to the great supporters who actually, really & meaningfully showed care by their actions; who gathered for rally and spoke from their hearts.
Many Thanks to drivers for transporting many from Olympia area to Seattle and safely back.
Many Thanks to those from Seattle and those who traveled from other areas, States and Countries who joined rally & courtroom support.
Many Thanks also to those unable to attend, but holding all in prayer and as Quakers say: “in the light”.
Many Thanks to those who wrote support letters.
Read on for the Update on the October 16, 2017 (Pre-)Final Immigration Hearing in Seattle
UPDATE: Yes, October 16th was to be the final hearing, but ended as the “Pre-Final” hearing. Despite Judge Paul deFonzo’s ruling in July to have October 16th the final hearing, ICE attorney saw that he was losing during October 16th hearing; so to save face and cause additional delay, he threw a monkey-wrench – causing yet another hearing set for November 7th, 2017 – 8:30 am (Seattle).
Judge deFonzo had already admonished ICE attorney that he (attorney) had been given lee-way to ask few more questions based on Judge’s questions; but, Judge said to ICE attorney, his questions were going too far astray.
Some have already stated that ICE is very over zealous and must be getting extremely desperate to cause yet another delay. However, the longer this goes on, ICE (and its persecution) makes itself look even more ridiculous.
1000 2nd Ave, Suite 2500, Seattle
Remember, this IS NOT the Federal court building. The court room is a Public venue in a private building. This building houses both the Chaudhrys’ attorney office, and the ICE offices, in addition to the “administrative/executive” courtrooms (25th floor) for Department of Homeland Security. (And recall, “Department of Homeland Security” did not exist until after 9/11.)
Additional updates are forthcoming on both websites: and
To see & read more, especially read new information on “CARRP” and “UPDATES” tabs on both websites.
Keep your calendars marked for November 7th, 2017 – 8:30 am. 1000 2nd Ave, Suite 2500, Seattle.
ICE does not want folks witnessing, that way they can not get away with anything they want !
Chaudhry Final Immigration Hearing in Seattle! October 16, 2017
In July, Judge deFonzo indicated this October hearing would be the final hearing and he would make a decision.
Rally & Support: 12:00 – 12:45 pm 1000 2nd Ave, Seattle
Courtroom: 1 pm Suite 2500 (25th floor)
We look forward to seeing YOU at this final Rally and to Join us for Support, noon to 12:45 pm on October 16, 2017 at
1000 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 (corner of Spring & 2nd Avs) in front of building.
Courtroom: Upstairs in Suite 2500 You will need time to go through security at court area. Court starts promptly at 1 pm.
Olympia/Lacey area: Meet up at Martin Way Park & Ride near exit 109 no later than 9:50 a.m. Van and car pools leave from 4701 Martin Way E. Lacey, WA 98516 promptly at 10 am. If you plan to catch a ride in the van, please do not wear cologne, perfume, heavy-scented lotions.
Your support and solidarity for this nearly 15 year heroic challenge for expedited, qualified naturalization is greatly appreciated!
Thank you to everyone who wrote letters of support for the July hearing this year and we thank those who have written additional letters of support further exposing CARRP. (Controlled Application Review & Resolution Program)
The previously secret CARRP, USCIS’ illegal/un-Constitutional, immoral and unethical policy which predominantly targets those aspiring Americans who may be Muslim, perceived to be Muslim, who come from perceived predominantly Muslim countries, who may have technical and/or multiple language skills, who may show leadership qualities, or may have contributed to a charity that was later deemed (by US) to have provided support to terrorist organizations, or even if the applicant has traveled through areas of known terrorist activity.
For more on CARRP, please check out the newly launched CARRP tab: CARRP
and watch to learn about USCIS’ illegal, immoral, unethical, & previously secret Controlled Application Review & Resolution Program (CARRP) – also called by ACLU and known as “Muslims Need Not Apply” – see Ann’s presentation on CARRP at:
Thanks to All those who attended the vigil and court hearing on Monday the 20th (2014) !
And for showing the court and Department of Homeland Security that we are a peaceful, loving and caring community of supporters, friends, family, veterans, activists, young and elder, from all segments of this wonderful, diverse community to KEEP ZAHID HOME !
Thanks to organizers, email-blast specialists, drivers and riders, those that braved the bus lines & traffic etc., the signs holders, the banner holders, the WIP distributors, VFP 92 Seattle, those that contributed in many ways, those who could not attend and held Chaudhrys & all in their prayers, light, energy, blessings. The love & support you have shown Zahid and Ann was clearly noticed by the court & all others.
1) Monday’s hearing was regarding an ambiguous “check” mark on a pre-“9/11” Yakima Police Department UNPAID, volunteer position application. Yes, that long ago: over 13 years ago !
2) The department’s case was unraveling from several arenas; not the least of which was the deposition from former YPD officer Gary Belles, in which he stated he had made markings all over the application & personal history statement, including (but not limited to) “check” marks.
Gary Belles had also said he had already planned not to hire Zahid – yet brought him back in for a “ruse” secondary interview.
Gary Belles had been required to appear over the years at the same court, when he did not. The Department tried to convince the judge to accept Mr. Belles’ testimony via phone. The judge had declined and set the hearing date so far in advance so as to ensure he would be present; as, he said, Mr. Chaudhry deserved to face his accuser.
3) Perhaps seeing their false accusation/s exposure to the light of day, their whole case unraveling & falling apart, supporters & whole community bearing witness (Court of Public Opinion) at the vigil on Monday morning gave the Department further cause to make a last moment offer to Zahid’s attorney.
4) While supporters were patiently processing through the security at the court, Chaudhry’s attorney arrived to say the Department offered to drop the whole “check” mark issue in exchange for some other minute partial admittance.
5) The judge appeared to be in good mood at this hearing; stopping proceedings numerous times for attorneys to discuss together, find/retrieve (and make copies – see point 7) documents, and make sure everything was understood & agreed to.
6) Two attorneys from ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) were present: Mr. Love, who had to be reminded by the judge to speak into the microphone; and Mr. Eric Pederson, who was abrasive, brash and his actions were clearly intentionally divisive.
7) Judge DeFonzo, upon reviewing documents in his file, came across the signed subpoena for Mr. Gary Belles, which neither Chaudhry’s attorney nor Chaudhrys had “ever” received from the Department; and upon being asked by Judge time & again, ICE attorneys did not have any willingness to co-operate with the Judge or the proceedings and would not even give a copy to Chaudhry’s attorney. The Judge stood up, left the hearing to make a copy from his papers and presented it to Chaudhry’s attorney !
8) Mr. Pederson un-ashamedly attempted to prevent some court filings like newspaper articles documenting the despicable hatred, bigoted actions, racial slurs Gary Belles has towards all minorities, inciting xenophobia, law suits, and millions of taxpayers’ dollars City of Yakima wasted defending their star witness were 10 years old; and the other large document, CARRP (Controlled Application Review & Resolution Program – aka: “Muslims Need Not Apply” – How USCIS Secretly Mandates the Discriminatory Delay & Denial of Citizenship & Immigration Rights to Aspiring Americans).
The Judge, after looking through the documents, overruled Mr. Pederson’s objections and entered the filings into the record saying he felt they were relevant and material.
9) Judge DeFonzo mentioned several times how this case has gone on for way too long. He thanked & verbally acknowledged his appreciation for the supporters in the courtroom which is very unusual.
USCIS (US Citizenship & Immigration Services) will not admit to the existence of CARRP and creates parallel files on applicants for naturalization. So as the Department is delaying, denying, and looking for reasons to deport applicants, they create a parallel profile against applicants in order to charge them with “removability” (Orwellian-speak for ‘deportation’). See the video and read the reports of the CARRP program on NEWS page of this website.
The immigration court had 3 judges, one of which has already retired. Another judge is soon to retire, leaving Judge DeFonzo handling an overload of cases. That’s why the next Individual hearing is not likely to be scheduled until sometime in the year 2017.
Thank you all again for your legacy of solidarity, peace & justice !
Some pictures below from Vigil:
in Seattle October 20, 2014
at 11:45 to 12:30 p.m. (gives you enough time to be in the courtroom upstairs at 1 pm)
1000 2nd Ave (near 2nd & Spring)
Seattle, WA
Gather for car/van-pooling from south Puget Sound from Martin Way Park and Ride (4800 Martin Way East, Lacey, WA) at 10:30 am. Questions or sign up for car/van-pool: Contact any member of Keep Zahid Home or Justice4Chaudhry campaign committees or 3six0 529 1109 .
If you plan to be in the courtroom at 1 pm, please remember to bring as few belongings as possible; bring gov. ID; to give yourself & others plenty time to go through security checks.
SEE THE INFAMOUS REFERENCED “QUESTION”HERE – which is Department’s idiotic reason for this deportation proceeding.
1- See for yourself the Forensic Document Expert & Examiner’s conclusion in paragraph #8 : Mr. Chaudhry is not the maker of the mark.
2- Chaudhry’s marks on the pages were neat “x’s”, not “check marks.”
3- The Department’s twisted rationale & diabolical interpretation is that by checking the box, Mr. Chaudhry has claimed citizenship. Really ??
4- In Mr. Gary Belles’ deposition, he admitted that he perpetrated a ruse on Zahid by bringing Zahid in for a Secondary Interview, when months prior, Belles had already decided not to hire Zahid for the volunteer, unpaid position.
5-And Mr. Belles went around agitating & creating xenophobia in fringe groups (including, but not limited to: county militia, anti-immigration & anti-minority groups, etc.) wanting ‘kudos’ & ‘pats on the back,’ telling them he was the one who went out of his way to make sure Chaudhry wouldn’t have any future in any city or county jobs, even volunteer, unpaid ones.
6- That was the reason why, when the Commander of County Militia & others were going to testify in Federal Court to what Mr. Belles had said in those meetings, immigration service choked those testimonies with Summary Judgment Motion & quashed the case. So the case, which had been scheduled for over a year, that was to be heard over a whole week in Federal District Court in Yakima didn’t happen.
7- Also in Mr. Belles’ deposition, Belles further admitted he had made many marks on Zahid’s application and personal history statement; he also indicated that “citizenship” was not a normal question in interview for this volunteer, unpaid position. So why was it asked? Could Belles have marked that box along with the other markings he’d admitted he’d made?
8- Interesting enough, neither did two other YPD employees mention ‘citizenship’ question during interview or even in their notes !
9- What if, when personal history statement left your hand, the “yes” AND “no” boxes were unmarked ?
10- Even if you selected the “yes” box to this question, would you be claiming citizenship? Or, by selecting “yes,” would you merely be indicating that you would co-operate in future when asked ?
11- Besides (just for argument’s sake) even if there is a check mark it does not meet the Department’s burden to establish their charge of removability by clear, convincing unequivocal evidence & proof that Mr. Chaudhry was going to materially benefit from a volunteer, unpaid position.
There will be a peaceful vigil & solidarity rally for justice outside the court building on the street; unless this court date is either changed, cancelled or made moot by US Supreme court favorable decision (on Zahid’s pro se writ certiorari) which is expected any time soon. See US SUPREME COURT webpage of this website for details on pro se writ certiorari.
The immigration court is under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security and is currently housed on the 25th floor at 1000 2nd Ave. , Seattle, WA . However, this “immigration” court is not necessarily geared towards immigrating. ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) is also located in the same building.Check the NEWS page and read the reports, listen and watch the video “Muslims Need Not Apply” – the unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, unethical and secret CARRP program created by USCIS (United States Citizenship & Immigration Services). Only Congress can create laws, however USCIS has blatantly circumvented Congress and created its own secret, unconstitutional, illegal, immoral and unethical program to determine who gets to be a citizen of the United States and who does not. This secret (CARRP) program directs (USCIS) officers to delay, deny and then look for reasons to deport.
January 2014
A ‘Motion to Publish’ was filed to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, to have the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to publish their initial “memorandum” (also known as “memorandum/disposition” [or ‘memo/dispo’ for short]) as it was “Not for publication,” and “not to be used as precedence.”
December 2013
“Unfortunately the Ninth Circuit has denied rehearing [See “Ruling” in next section below]. They did not state why or give any reasons. I am very disappointed as they clearly misapplied the law to the case and continued the injustice you and your husband have faced earlier in the case. My candid analysis is that the court was looking for an excuse to justify their decision and when the one they came up with ended up being legally wrong, they were silent and had nothing to say.
The only option left for you to do is to petition the U.S. Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari …
You have until March 19, 2014 to have such a petition filed but, I recommend that if you want to undertake such a petition that you do it in January because of the time, money, and logistics that is involved.
While this ends my formal participation in the case … You should discuss further options of where to go from here.” [Alex]
The Justice4Chaudhry Campaign Committee joins legion of supporters around the world who are all deeply saddened and disheartened by the miscarriage of justice from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
End of December 2013 – “Ruling”
From the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals:
“Before: HAWKINS, McKEOWN, and CLIFTON, Circuit Judges.
The panel has voted to deny the petition for panel rehearing. Judges McKeown and Clifton have voted to deny the petition for rehearing en banc, and Judge Hawkins has so recommended.
The full court has been advised of the petition for rehearing en banc and no judge has requested a vote on whether to rehear the matter en banc. Fed. R. App. P. 35.
The Petition for Panel and En Banc Rehearing are DENIED.”
Greetings to All For Justice:
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has delivered their decision from the September 26, 2013 oral hearing,
and it is a strange notice, indeed.
Across the top of the first page, “NOT FOR PUBLICATION” is typed.
The title of this “decision” is not, as one would expect, “DECISION,” but instead, “MEMORANDUM” with an asterisk at the end. The asterisk is explained at the bottom of the first page thus: “This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent except as provided by 9th Cir. R. 36-3.”
In addition to this odd decision and disposition, disappointedly, the three judges (most notably, the judge that was not actually present at the hearing, Clifton) of the 9th Circuit “affirmed” the Federal district court’s decision and did not rule for citizenship.
The Chaudhrys attorney has filed a petition for panel and en banc rehearing due to “the Court of Appeals applied the incorrect burden of proof in conflict with Ninth Circuit precedent as well as the Eighth Circuit and the code of Federal regulations.”
There is no explanation as to why the disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not appropriate for precedent.
Stayed tuned for further updates.
Justice4Chaudhry Campaign Committee
Thanks to All the People for Solidarity, Support and
who Stood on the Noble Side of History for Justice !!!
So many thanks go out to everyone who got going at the crack of dawn Monday morning to car-pool up to Seattle. And to the many, many all over the World sending their prayers, best wishes, solidarity, support, and holding us in Light and Love. Many, many thanks for our drivers who transported us all safely to Seattle and back. Great big hugs and thanks to the huge fabulous group that met us at the Park n Ride, and those who met up with us from Seattle areas. We are also very grateful for the efforts of those who left their home and missed the car-pool connections; some made their own way to Seattle; some met & joined us in Seattle.
Supporters and solidarity warriors stood firm at the front and back of the William Nakamura Federal Courthouse. Agents and vehicles from DHS quickly amassed to ogle and harass peaceful, fun-loving, hugging, laughing, smiling, picture-taking vigil-ers holding signs to “Keep Zahid Home !” and “Due process, not Screw Process for Chaudhrys!”.
Entry line at the front entrance of the building was long and tedious; some were removed from the line for speaking truth; some weren’t able to enter due to misplacement of I.D. However, many (from age 1 to 70+ and all in between) eventually made it into the courtroom and completely filled it up, even standing in the side aisle and back, too! There were even some left in the hall outside.
There were two judges, rather than three; however, we were assured that the third judge would be listening in and be included in the decision. There was no comment or question ever heard from the third judge during the brief 15 minutes each side had.
America AlJazeera also has a report and terrific,
must see, short video on their site:
and the Huffington Post news:
CARRP: Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program.
Of course, in the Orwellian double-speak: that means delaying,
denying and refusing rightful applicants for citizenship based
on whim of racial, religious, peace & justice friends profiling.}
Attorney for Mr. Chaudhry, Alex Watham, argued that according to law, the Military Naturalization application “look-back” period, also known as statutory period, is one year (therefore, not prior to April of 2003), and the government’s groping of whole life of applicant was against the law. Mr. Chaudhry had the right to his day in court (or at least the illusion of due process of a day in court) which he had already paid expensive court fees many months in advance; and which had been denied him by Yakima’s Federal District Court Judge Lony Suko who granted the government’s “Summary Judgment Motion” to terminate the scheduled week-long 2009 court trial. When the government read the witness list, they wanted to suppress the Chaudhry witness testimony which would expose the lies of the government’s star witness, Gary Belles (Yakima Police Department), whom the City of Yakima had already spent over $1.5 million dollars defending in court for racial slurs and racist actions while in uniform and in public.
Alex contended that the court had duty to look most favorably on the non-moving party (Chaudhry) in the Federal District Court, which was not done and a serious error in American jurisprudence. It is virtually unheard of that court would grant a summary judgment motion to the moving party (for those unfamiliar with ‘court-speak’, that means the party who initiate/files the motion).
And there was the argument that Judge Clifton brought forward, that the trier of fact should be able to be allowed to make their own conclusion, not have one party (the government) tell them what their conclusion would be. The trier of fact (the court) must draw all justifiable inferences in favor of the non-moving party (Mr. Chaudhry), including questions of credibility and the weight to be accorded particular evidence. The court must assume, in the absence of solid, non-personal/private opinion to the contrary that the non-movant’s (Chaudhry’s) version of the events is true. That is, that used to be the bare minimum standard of American jurisprudence and the basis of the Nuremburg Trials.
At the end of the arguments, Judge McKeown stated that the oral arguments were submitted into the court record. That meant, court wasn’t denying the appeal. It may take up to six months for their opinion to become known. It could also be as quick as a few weeks. The opinion will be mailed.
CAR/VAN-Pool Leaving Lacey/Olympia area on Monday,
August 26th, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. from Lacey/Martin Way
Park n Ride just off I-5 Exit 109 to go to Seattle for
9th Circuit Court of Appeals oral
arguments before panel of judges.
Please email to let us know you are joining in with many, many
other community members, friends, family, supporters and concerned citizens, so we can co-ordinate car and/or van pooling for everyone.
Seattle supporters: Meet us there in front of the Nakamura Federal Building at 1010 Fifth Ave., Seattle.
We’re encouraging everyone to join in, show your support and vigil in Seattle. Vigil outside courthouse for about 20 minutes before going to the courtroom on 7th Floor. Picture I.D. is required to enter courthouse.
Let’s show the world that we honor and support those who have served our country fearlessly, faithfully and completely and Zahid has earned his citizenship.
The Campaign Committee
Continue reading below.
Chaudhry v. Napolitano Oral Arguments scheduled for August 26, 2013.
9th Circuit Court has scheduled hearing of oral arguments for
Monday, August 26, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. at the William K. Nakamura
U.S. Courthouse located at 1010 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104.
7th floor courtroom.
Family, Friends, Supporters and Concerned People of the World are
encouraged to attend this long-awaited and momentous hearing.
Let’s continue to show our strong support and our firm belief that
we owe a huge debt to those who have loved and served the American
people, our country with honor and dignity and have been wrongfully
maligned. Let’s show the court and the world that Ann and Zahid
belong here at home and we want to keep them at home.
“Veterans, Support Them; Don’t Deport Them!”
For those planning on attending the hearing, remember that picture I.D.
is required to enter the courthouse. Admission to courtroom is at 8:30;
Court starts right at 9:00.
Watch for updates, opportunities, car/van pools!
From: The Campaigns Committees
Summer/Fall 2012:
9th Circuit Court of Appeals recommends pro bono attorney to represent Zahid in Appeals case; and pro bono attorney is chosen by court. Panel of judges not yet selected at this time. Please keep sending those positive vibes and thoughts and please continue to send letters of commendation/ support/Amicus brief/friends of the court letters to the court. Help Keep Zahid & Ann home.
June 27th, 2012:
Next “Deportation” court hearing set out to August 27, 2013 !!!
On this unusually beautiful and gorgeous Seattle day, folks again rallied in front of the Seattle Immigration courthouse building at Spring & 2nd Ave, bringing the heartbeats of the concierge and security guards to worried high staccato. Yet all was calm, silent and peaceful.
No supporters were allowed to enter the courtroom for this ‘deportation’ court Master Calendar hearing: only Zahid’s attorney and Zahid & Ann.
This Master Calendar hearing went quickly. The judge, hearing that the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had not yet made a decision, set the next “deportation” hearing date out to August 27, of 2013. He really wants the 9th Circuit to make a favorable decision so his hands remain clean in this stinky matter.
From Zahid & Ann:
“Our prayers are that everyone have a wonderful summer! Bless you, every one.”
May 24th, 2012
Much gratitude and appreciation to everyone!
A BIG Thank you to our drivers and vehicles; thank you to Jodi & Doug for the fabulous pita sandwiches (we’ve put in a plug for your delicious no meat, no heat pitawich to add to Traditions’ menu!); thank you to all who blew the minds of the concierge, extra cops & security at 1000 2nd Ave. Seattle by calmly & collectively holding signs & banner in a big long line in front of the building and particularly the bravehearts across the street! Several of the people who came from far & away and wanted to be in the courtroom were denied access, intimidated & harassed. One student of jurisprudence who insisted that if there is no sitting room inside the court, he was willing to stand; was instead handcuffed, arrested, taken a few blocks away and charged.
The bulk of time of this first ever ‘deportation’ court Individual hearing was spent by the Judge marking sections of documents as exhibits. Even at the repeated request of Zahid’s attorney Devin Orr, the judge did not allow testimony from the forensics handwriting expert, even though the expert had taken time out today & had come from far away; nor even from the “respondent” (Zahid).
The “service” / “department” (DHS) wanted to cross-question Zahid about articles published about him in Works In Progress and Seattle Met and submitted those in the record. They also tried to get the judge to allow their star witness (xenophobic, racist bigot, Gary Belles, the very person who carried out the ruse and entrapments on Zahid) to testify on 5/24/12 by phone, giving the lame excuse he wasn’t in the court today was because “he can be on call.” This is a huge fabrication, as Mr. Belles’ position is such that he can be away from YPD (Yakima Police Department) – especially to testify – which, isn’t that part of a police officer’s job??? to be present in courts to testify particularly when he is the one who is the root of all the fabricated allegation & ruse and entrapment and raising the red flags on Zahid in the Federal computers??? And what would happen on the opposing side to someone who didn’t show up to a hearing or trial? That person would lose his/her case if s/he didn’t show up to testify! In this situation – grounds for deportation – end of story! Sanctions should have been placed on the service/department, if not outright have the case thrown out then and there! Double standards abounding! The judge said the “respondent” (Zahid) had the right to have Gary Belles testify in court, face to face.
The service/department tried to claim a portion of the YPD “ruse” and entrapment interview paperwork was a duplicate and therefore could be removed. Our attorney argued that the printed portion of the two sets was the same, but the handwriting on them were from different interviewers. The service/department tried to say the second one couldn’t be used because the name of the interviewer was not legible; however the judge was able read from his copy the name in addition to Gary Belles– so the judge overruled the service/department’s objection.
Another interesting thing had occurred earlier: the judge told Zahid to move (in his wheelchair) so that the service/department could see him – where as typically, the person faces the judge. Zahid sat there smiling at Mr. Love & Peterson of the service/department. (Perhaps the judge was uncomfortable with Zahid facing him…)
A translator was also provided who was dismissed when Zahid said he would proceed in English.
The judge also asked about the status of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, saying that the 9th Circuit might soon make the decision to grant citizenship and the deportation would go away.
So, we’re back to a Master hearing (with lots of other people in deportation proceedings) scheduled for June 27th (2012). At this future hearing, it will be discovered if Belles has to be subpoenaed to testify in person or if he will stay away, and we’ll also hear the date of the next Individual hearing.
The judge set the next hearing for June 27, 2012.
From Zahid & Ann:
“Words alone cannot express the appreciation Zahid & I feel to everyone keeping us in their prayers, positive thoughts and vibes and also for being there to support us in person. “Thank you” seems insufficient – hugs and kisses will be freely and plentifully distributed!”
The Keep Zahid Home Campaign & Justice for Chaudhry committee is gearing up for the rally to support Zahid & Ann at the Seattle Deportation (Immigration) Court. Join many other community members to show we want to keep Zahid here.
WHAT: Rally & vigil in front of Seattle Deportation (immigration) Court building & pack the courtroom for hearing.
WHEN: Thursday, May 24th
WHERE: Seattle Deportation (Immigration) Court, 1000 2nd Ave (corner of 2nd and Spring), Seattle
TIME: Van/Car-pooling from Olympia area at 10:30 a.m.
Rally & vigil in Seattle at 2nd Ave. & Spring from noonish to 12:30 p.m.
Head up to 25th floor to the courtroom between 12:30 p.m. & 12:45 p.m.
Court hearing at 1 p.m.
Text, Call or email to let us know if you’re attending: 360-529-1109 or 509-452-0917
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Can you drive and/or provide transportation to/from Seattle?
How many can you take?
Bring signs supporting Ann & Zahid to KEEP ZAHID HOME
(Signs with sticks may not be brought into the building, so may stay in cars/vans after the vigil.)
(A few signs are already made; but feel free to bring more.)
Make copies of this flyer & distribute.
v Olympia/Lacey van/car-pooling leaving at 10:30 a.m. sharp from the Martin Way Park & Ride, just off Martin Way and I-5 exit/entrance (near & just before the theater & Shopko).
Seattle supporters – meet us there at corner of 2nd Ave & Spring.
v This is a Federal court, which requires picture ID to enter the court.
v To give everyone time to get through security at the court in timely manner, bring as little as possible.
v Court hearing may last for a while; or it may last only a few minutes. Lots of supporters in the courtroom are essential for the pursuit of justice & does make a difference.
If you cannot attend this hearing:
- Please pass this notice on to others.
- Please contact Sen. Patty Murray, Chair of Veterans Affairs Committee: Seattle: (206) 553-5545 and Sen. Maria Cantwell, Seattle: (206) 220-6400: These are the ones who can actually make a difference & can take actions if they want to, rather than just lip service. We need to tell the politicians we’ve had enough lip service – it’s about time we see concrete actions!
- You can contact the White House for a possible last-minute intervention at (202) 456-1111 or
- Please contact the US Customs & Immigration (USCIS) Employee Misconduct Hotline at (800) 323-8603 (ph), (202) 254-4292 (fx) or email them at [email protected].
- If you have a media platform, please contact Zahid and Ann Chaudhry and have them on your show/feature something in your publication about Zahid’s case in the next week.
- Last but not least, please keep Zahid and Ann in your prayers during this next week!
See photos below from April 2011 rally & vigil at the same location.
Spring 2012: U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals panel of Judges have not been selected for the Appeal. Please continue your positive thoughts and please continue to send letters of commendation/support/Amicus brief/friends of the court letters to the court. Keep Zahid & Ann home.
Fall 2011: Upon request, Pro Se over-sized brief was accepted by 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Please join us all in sending positive thoughts/vibes out that a well-deserved outcome may soon be reached by the 9th Circuit Court judges for the sake of justice and a favorable decision. Or as you feel compelled, or your heart directs: send letters of commendation/support/Amicus brief/friends of the court letters to the court in support to grant Zahid citizenship, and that a glorious outcome may soon be reached by the 9th Circuit Court judges for the sake of justice for a favorable decision to KEEP ZAHID and ANN HOME!
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
William K. Nakamura US Courthouse
1010 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
4/18/2011: Individual hearing court date set for May 24, 2012!
More info coming as date nears.
4/1/2011. From Chaudhry family: Senator Maria Cantwell’s Washington, D.C. office & Seattle office just had a conference call with the Chaudhrys & they are very hopeful that it will get resolved soon to Chaudhry family’s satisfaction. Thank you Chris in Seattle office & Claire in Washington, D.C. office!! May we all have a great weekend.
Update from Justice4Chaudhry Campaign Committee:
Senator Cantwell gave all the people present her personal commitment and said “Let’s work on this in earnest & get this matter resolved.” Then she said,”It is between David & Goliath, and I’m on David’s side,” as she pointed to Zahid.
January 26, 2011: U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) has become the head of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. “I look at this as a passion for veterans, men and women alike,” she said of her new assignment.
Please call her office and ask her to stop deportation proceedings against Muhammad Zahid Chaudhry and grant him the citizenship he’s rightly earned for serving in the United States military:
Phone: (202) 224-2621; (toll-free): (866) 481-9186
Past court hearing April 13, 2011: Judge Paul deFonzo sets next hearing for May 24, 2012.
Past court hearing Jan 12, 2011: Judge Paul deFonzo set Zahid’s Hearing to:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011, at 1:00 pm.
This hearing took place at the Immigration Court (actually: “Deportation Court” as they only determine to deport or not) located at 1000 2nd Ave., Seattle.
was held Wednesday, Jan. 12, noon to 1 pm
Outside Seattle Immigration Court building
Spc. Muhammad Zahid Chaudhry is a decorated National Guard and US Army Veteran who sustained injuries in the military that left him in a wheelchair. Despite his qualified military service, which should have expedited his citizenship, and despite having been married to a US citizen for over 12 years and being a Legal Permanent Resident, he is fighting deportation to Pakistan.
On Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Zahid faced a master hearing in Immigration Court in Seattle.
Zahid is one of thousands of US Military Veterans who are wrongfully being denied US citizenship and are instead in deportation proceedings and/or have already been deported.
Zahid and his wife, Ann, need our support. Join us in saying “Stop the deportation of US Vets!”